

Learning Style Quiz

At MTI, our goal is to help students find a path after high school that includes doing something you are truly passionate about.

There are several options you can pursue after high school graduation, including:

  • Work: Maybe you decide to stay in a job you already have, for example in the retail or food service industry, or you find a job that does not require a college education.
  • Military: This is an honorable path, and more than likely one you choose based on personal and professional factors.
  • Traditional College: This includes 2-year and 4-year colleges, as well as community college, whose programs typically include general education courses.
  • Trade School: An alternative to traditional college that offers hands-on training with no general education classes required, offering a faster path into starting your new career.

An important consideration when choosing the right path for you is understanding what type of learner you are. The learning style quiz will help determine if you are a hands-on learner, an audio learner, or a visual learner. Take the quiz below to find out your learning style, and what that could mean for your path after high school!